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Thanks for stopping by my internet garden home. My name is Scott and I was born in San Francisco in the 60's.  It was an interesting time and place to grow up, full of life and rich in diversity.

My 1st Horticulture degree was earned from City College of San Francisco in the 80's while I worked weekends and nights in a nursery at Fisherman's Wharf.

In 1991 I started Masterpiece Gardening in Woodbury, Connecticut, a very special place. I often returned to SF to garden Winters and a vision eventually bloomed to create gardens combining my newer East Coast skills with existing Western gardening knowledge.  I moved back home to SF a few years ago and Masterpiece Gardening, of course, followed me. 

In CT I worked directly with and managed gardens of some legendary characters such as singer James Taylor, Arthur Miller, Richard Widmark, Walter Matthau, scupltor Alexander Calder (his estate on the original property with giant mobiles), Stephen Sondheim, Dianne Sawyer and Mike Nichols etc. in historical, postcard worthy towns such as Roxbury, Bridgewater, Washington and Kent.

It was an invaluable learning experience to develop and upgrade these vast gardens over the years. I also wrote and published The Purple Rose Newsletter monthly for a few years, serving my community as a voice for organic gardening. 

 Mixing styles: First of all, I plant as many CA natives and drought tolerant plants as possible and cast unusual, colorful seeds.

I often combine Asian gardening ideas of raised beds placing plants w rocks along with colorful perennial choices in combination, as we see in New England gardens.

Plant combinations that work well together to create a scene and properly chosen for the conditions and matching surroundings are the main ingredients to great gardens. Most beds should have a centerpiece tree, some flowering bushes on either side, flowering perennials throughout and hopefully some fitting groundcover as well.

In a nutshell, I create colorful wildlife habitats that host-feed many birds, butterflies and harmless honey bees and often bloom year round.

I also plant unusual combinations in containers and flower boxes which can fill a small space or patio with various colors, forms, combinations.

It's been great being back home in SF full time to offer my gardening service on a regular basis. If you are interested to set up a meeting or a visit to take a look at your situation, just email or call me.

If any of my past clients from CT are peeking into this website THANK YOU for making Masterpiece Gardening what it is today and I hope all is growing well. Feel free to contact me...I'll be around! Looking forward to hearing from some of you and feel free to visit anytime, this site will change constantly just like a garden.